I think I played my first character as long as my next 5 combined, simply because so many quests are literally impossible to achieve early on, but by mid-campaign most are open and don’t take too long to finish. I definitely fall into the camp of maximising average draw. Prioritizing a different starting goal (I am maximizing dps and general utility, where you built the deck around a specific card) definitely changes the choices being made. My intention here is to provide a baseline list of utility for each type of perk that could be argued for or against. That makes disarm and stun effects more useful IMO since it means that when an opponent is low on health the rolling modifier means they're out for the next turn even on the rolling mod + null flip. 1.1. Wouldn't removing the +0 cards first increase the chance of the miss card coming out? Since these don't stack, maybe you want to introduce this. We obviously disagree, but it speaks to a difference in approach I find fascinating. Never a bad perk, just inconsistent.Ignore Item Effects: Really good on the classes that have it. As such, removing +0s is a great perk since it significantly trims down your deck to increase the frequency of drawing our important cards. Anyone who plays dominion will tell you thin deck is better than expensive deck. But since you're in the Beta probably you would know more than us. An unofficial lightweight, searchable copy of the rule book. In this manner, a level 9 character will add eight more cards to their pool over the course of leveling up from level 1. Brute Overwhelming Assault card. I agree that removing the -1 cards and adding +1 cards is helpful, but I don't know why you'd drop the +0s before adding the positive modifier cards first. Things that happen when you level up: 1) more health 2) new card choice 3) perk choice There are no 'passive' abilities akin to what higher level monsters might get, like innate shields and so on #1. This is a great card for our build. I would add the card with an additional modifier first and maybe even forgo adding extra cards over all. I don’t do this myself, but you could probably houserule that you can’t check the second box on any perk with 2+ boxes until you’ve got one check in the first box for every perk. I know I kind of countered my original point, but I almost wish you could get more perks earlier. Adding two +1 is 3.83, adding two rolling +1 is 3.87. Gloomhaven > General Discussions > Topic Details. I (as host) accepted the completion of the quest while he was gone. You can’t afford to lose damage just for an element, as you should have other ways of producing those. This is why this is often brought up specifically in the context of "for this class" is because for one class, a certain perk may be mediocre, but it could be everything for another class. Register Start a Wiki. Now that's an interesting outcome to the math I hadn't considered. And thank you for the clarification in your third point. Thanks to /u/suitsage for pointing out these exist. = 27.8%. So it will prevent you from getting screwed over as often, but it's not very common when it does happen.Removing two -1s: This is a perk that has a medium impact with medium frequency. After every scenario, whether it was a success or failure, players have the choice to either return to Gloomhaven or to immediately travel to a new scenario. A -1 isn't typically a dealbreaker on an attack, but it's certainly annoying. By removing the +0's after you've removed most of the -1's, you will flip green cards more consistently. So you can’t get your second “remove two -1 perks” until you’ve dipped into everything else once. Because of how the current perk system is, you almost always take the better perks first. Also you seem to have possibly unintended spoilers since you're talking about rolling +1 and +2s with bonus effect which aren't in any of the base classes. Recently Changed Pages. There are many classes later on which can add a lot of curses into the monster deck which makes muddle very valuable. If you create a new character at level 1, your party's average level will be 2, so you'll play at scenario level 1. An interesting perspective that seems to come up in a few different threads on this topic. What that means in practice is that at first, removing -1's is the best bang for your buck. 44) Can you decline the perk if you don't want it? I've been reconsidering my angle on removing the +0 cards depending in the purpose of the class. People who need armor generally take those perks earlier in the progression so they can utilize the item. This mean, when you are at level 9, you're options are not great, sometimes even making your deck worse (*cough cough Cragheart). Just a quick note: your spoiler tag needs a parentheses at the end instead of a bracket. A thin deck that removes a -2 and four -1s averages 3.79. Since your average draw is (Deck Total) / (# of cards), once your deck total is positive (which it will be once you remove a -1) reducing the number of cards is an increase to your average draw. I hadn't considered the synergy with muddle, but that's a great point. The "Replace one -1 card with one +1 card" I'm less enthusiastic about, and may not immediately opt for depending on the class and what else is available. I see most players take this card earlier, but upon reflection I don't think that's optimal. Your party might have a lot of wounds or poisons already, but not very many muddles. Overall Leaping Cleave card rating . Press J to jump to the feed. This class definitely works best in bigger parties, as is often the case with support classes in Gloomhaven. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Please note: When discussing actual decks the diagrams in this article are purely theoretical from this moment on. Levelling up, as well as presenting you with a perk, also allows you to choose one, yes just one, extra card to add to your supply. Right now I'm playing a support class (Tinkerer), so I've been putting a lot of value into the status effects I can lay onto the enemies. README.mdcontains all the relevant images from the rule book and weighs in at about 16MB.