The special operations team consists of Combat Controllers (CCT), Pararescuemen (PJ), Tactical Air Control Party members (TACP) and Special Operations Weather Technicians (SOWT). Answer Save. Well CCT would be much harder to get into, because it is Special Operations, and has a very high washout rate, as do all Special operation groups. CCT Selection is a two-week-long Combat Control Selection Course at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Special Tactics Advanced Skills Training, Hurlburt Field, Fla. Advanced Skills Training (AST) is a 11-to-12-month program for newly assigned combat controller operators. TACP's priary function is to get bombs on target. The PAST - Physical Ability and Stamina Test To become a PJ or CCT you must male, a proficient swimmer, meet physical standards of at least 100 points on the Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST). They train hard, but the washout rate for TACP's is a lot lower than CCT, because TACP is not Special Operations, although a small % can be. How much different is the "pipeline" in the two? Washout rate for CCT is much higher than it is for TACP. Anonymous. If you go TACP, expect to spend your whole career on an army base. Relevance. Both TACP and CCT are critical afsc's, the air force rarely allows one critical afsc to switch to another because there is no point, money has already been spent on tacp training or any other critical afsc. As TACP was embedded to support the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment and its Battalions, AFSOC implemented what is known as SOF-TACP without implementing a TACP specialty shred. AFSOC also used passing PJ/CCT PAST and other assessment methods for assignment acceptance to AFSOC's SOF-TACP duty positions. Introduction. ... CCT, SOWT, and TACP) attend an 8-week prep course. They are typically assigned to Army units, but generally "regular" units, at the company or brigade level. They almost always work with SOF units. Are CCT's more elite than TACP's? TACPs have a training that is about 6 months long, while CCTs training is about 2 years long. TACP's are embedded with Army units. This job is open to only enlisted troops. Combat Controllers (CCT) are an integral part of Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), the Air Force component of United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), and of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).Like their counterparts in the Army and Navy, Combat Controllers (CCT) don’t do much of any of the HVT (high-value … 3 Answers. The CCT motto is "First There" as they prep the air fields and drop zones for other troops to follow. Black berets look good in Air Force Blue, too. (You need to be an experienced TACP first though.) A black beret is the official headgear of the Air Force TACP. What are some differences in PJ's and CCT's other than one being an EMT and the other an air traffic controoller? The major difference is the roles TACP and CCT play. (USAF photo by Staff Sgt. At the completion of this course, each graduate is awarded the 3-skill level (journeymen), scarlet beret and CCT flash. They’re about as operator as you get in the Air Force without becoming pararescue or combat control. Ryan Crane) Blue — … 1 decade ago. Do TACP's have a pipeline? Battlefield Airmen work on Combat Control Missions, Combat Weather Missions, Pararescue Missions and Tactical Air Control Party Missions. CCT's mission is to land and control aircraft in denied areas. However, TACPs can go special ops if they pass a selection process. The Combat Controller Training Pipeline . (sucky.) The goal of Prep is to rebuild the Airmen for a more challenging training program in the Air Force Special Operations Command.